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Forestry and Agriculture

Aquaculture is the breeding, rearing and harvesting of fish, shellfish, plants, algae, and other organisms in fresh or salt water. 

The Oregon Century Farm and Ranch Program, has honored the state's rich agricultural heritage since 1958. It awards farm and ranch families that have maintained connections to the land for 150 and 100 years.

Collective groups unite diverse partners in working together on forest, rangeland, and/or fire resiliency in Oregon. See where they work.

The dairy, cattle and poultry industries are all Important agricultural industries in Oregon. Milk was designated Oregon's official state beverage in 1997. Cattle production is the top agricultural activity in eastern Oregon

Oregon is one of the country's most agriculturally diverse states, producing more than 220 agricultural commodities. Farming practices have profound impacts on conservation and the environment

The Oregon Forest Practices Act defines rules for state and private forest management, while the National Forest Management Act outlines forest management on the 26% of Oregon managed by the U.S. Forest Service.

The Oregon Wildfire Risk Explorer is designed to identify the wildland-urban interface and wildfire risk at the property ownership level. It shows a comprehensive view of wildfire risk within the State of Oregon, indicates local fire history, and offers additional resources.